The Buyer
A Week in the Life of: wine consultant Richard Bampfield MW

A Week in the Life of: wine consultant Richard Bampfield MW

We are happy to bring back our irregular series of Weeks in the Life of…this time with the bubbly, engaging and clearly very happy Richard Bampfield MW who shares his average week that includes working with a major discounter as well as consulting for restaurants and wine producers around the world.

Richard Siddle
16th January 2017by Richard Siddle
posted in Opinion,

No week seems the same for Richard Bampfield MW who appears to have mastered a career that keeps him both busy, but having great fun at the same time.

From tasting for Lidl to sipping Crystal Head vodka martinins: all in an average week for Richard Bampfield MW

Describe your average week…

What I love about my job is that I have no average week. As my clients include an international retailer, wine producers from three different continents, a cookery school and a number of restaurants. I am lucky as my work is hugely varied.

What was the highlight of your last working week?

Reading The Buyer, of course!

The lowlight of your last week?

That there were only 7 days.

What is the best part of your job?

Variety. And working with people and wines rather than budgets, reports and figures.

Anything about your work that you would like to improve?

My ability to cope with the digital age. Email and the internet make working for oneself from home possible, but also create their own pressure!

How was 2016 for you and your business?

Good. There may be clouds on the horizon going in to 2017, but I tend to focus on the shafts of light rather than the greyness.

What are the key trends that are impacting your business?

Competition……always.So my work with my clients needs to be innovative and relevant.

Favourite restaurant you have eaten in recently and why?

A Bampfield favourite

Noble Rot: their turbot with oxidised Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru is sensational. And the wine that is not oxidised is great value.

Favourite bottle of wine you have had in the last month. Where and with whom did you drink it?

Moët & Chandon 1976 magnum. Drunk at the wonderful, new Golborne Garage with good and thirsty friends.

Favourite cocktail you have had recently and where did you drink it?

Several variations on the Martini with Crystal Head vodka at The Westbourne.Does one need a reason?

If you could pick three people for a classic dinner party from the trade who would they be?

Dan Jago, Oz Clarke and the current Wine Queen of Bernkastel.

Best job you have had in your career?

My current job

Best film or book that includes wine or drink?

The mysterious Peter Stafford Bow has found another fan in Richard Bampfield

I am rather enjoying Corkscrew right now by Peter Stafford-Bow.

Where are you going on your summer holidays this year?

No idea yet, dare say there may be vineyards in the vicinity. And I will drink local…….beer and wine.

  • If you would like to share your average week with The Buyer then please contact Richard Siddle at